Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 12--Tamar Granor on Business Objects

Our next meeting will take place Tuesday, January 12, 2010. As usual, feel free to bring dinner and arrive as early as 6:30.

Tamar E. Granor will present "Getting Your Head Around Business Objects," previously seen at Southwest Fox 2009.

Abstract: For many years, we've heard that business objects are important, but most of the examples are tied too tightly to the user interface to really make the point. In this session, we use a highly graphical example to show how business objects can really improve your applications. We see how a well-designed set of business objects makes changing an application's behavior easier and keeps your application's functionality separate from its user interface.

Tamar E. Granor, Ph.D., is the owner of Tomorrow's Solutions, LLC. She has developed and enhanced numerous Visual FoxPro applications for businesses and other organizations. She currently focuses on working with other developers through consulting and subcontracting.

Tamar served as Editor of FoxPro Advisor magazine from 1994 to 2000 and was Technical Editor from 2000 to 2008. She served as co-author of the popular Advisor Answers column from 1993 to 2008. She has also written for FoxTalk and CoDe; she currently writes for FoxRockX.

Tamar is author or co-author of ten books including the award winning Hacker's Guide to Visual FoxPro and Microsoft Office Automation with Visual FoxPro. Her most recent books are Making Sense of Sedna and SP2 and Taming Visual FoxPro's SQL. Her books are available from Hentzenwerke Publishing (

In 2007, Tamar received the Visual FoxPro Community Lifetime Achievement Award. She has received Microsoft Support's Most Valuable Professional award annually since the program's inception in 1993. Tamar speaks frequently about Visual FoxPro at conferences and user groups in North America and Europe. You can reach her at or through

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