Wednesday, September 7, 2016

September 13: Kevin Goff: SQL Server Reporting Productivity Tips

Our next meeting will be next Tuesday, September 13 at 7 PM in room 121 (note room change). Our speaker will be Kevin Goff and his topic is “SQL Server Reporting Productivity Tips.” He'll be raffling a $50 Amazon gift card, too.

Abstract: In this presentation, I'll show over a dozen different SSRS topics, and allow attendees to select which topics to cover.

Topics include:
- Advanced charting (sparklines, heatmaps, performance gauges)
- Subreports/drilldown reports
- Matrix  (crosstab) capabilities
- Page/Group Control Features
- Data Driven Subscriptions
- Cross-chart filtering ("hot-linking" from one section of a report to another)
- Column visibility and hiding columns from users
- Parameter handling
- Aggregations and running totals


Kevin S. Goff
- Microsoft Data Platform (SQL Server) MVP
- Microsoft MVP since 2005
- Frequent community speaker in Mid-Atlantic region
- SQL Live/VS Live conference speaker 2012 to 2015
- Database developer/architect since 1987