Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday, October 13: Christof Wollenhaupt presents "Computer Sensors in Business Applications"--note change of room

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 13 at 7:00 PM in room 127, DeVry University, 1140 Virginia Drive, Fort Washington, PA. Note the change of room; this new room is a computer lab and no food or drinks are permitted. You can still plan to come as early as 6:30 and bring some dinner, but you’ll have to eat in the commons area (where the vending machines are located) before coming to the meeting room.

This month, Christof Wollenhaupt returns to do a Southwest Fox preview on his way to Phoenix. He’ll present “Computer Sensors in Business Applications.”

Abstract: Most notebooks have a variety of sensors that were uncommon when Visual FoxPro 9 was released. In this session we cover a variety of modern sensors and devices and how to access them from Visual FoxPro by using some .NET helper code. These devices include the camera to take pictures and the microphone for audio recording, the touch screen to respond to finger input and multi-touch gestures, the GPS receiver to determine the current location, the compass to obtain directions, and the accelerometer to measure device movements.

Sensors are useful in many mobile business applications. For instance, you can automatically track time and route of mobile workers. The camera takes pictures that are directly added to the VFP application when entering orders at a client site.

Bio: Christof Wollenhaupt, head of Foxpert, offers FoxPro and .NET development and consulting services to customers who benefit from his nearly 20 years of experience. Christof is a regular speaker at conferences and user groups around the world, organizes the Hamburger Stammtisch für Microsoft Datenbankentwickler (Hamburg user group for Microsoft database developers), has written for various magazines including a regular column in FoxPro Advisor for more than 10 years, and was a Visual FoxPro MVP from 1997 to 2010.