Wednesday, January 23, 2013

February 12--Tamar Granor on Thor

At our February 12 meeting, Tamar Granor will reprise her June presentation "Try Thor's Terrific Tools" with some updates based on changes to Thor.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 8: Menachem Bazian--PHP in the Real World

Our next meeting will be next Tuesday, January 8 at 7 PM. Feel free to come as early as 6:30 for dinner. This month, we’ll be providing dinner; please email if you plan to join us, so we have enough food.

Menachem Bazian returns for another look at PHP with a session titled “PHP in the Real World”: This session will discuss programming PHP in the real world. The session will follow the evolution of a simple application from original problem description through implementation. Attendees will be introduced to CodeIgniter, a low weight, high performance PHP framework which I use as the basis for my PHP applications. There will be a few other goodies thrown in for good measure too!