Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September meeting--Toni Feltman and pizza

Our summer of Southwest Fox previews continues on Tuesday, September 8 as Toni Feltman practices her pre-conference session "Introduction to Subversion and Tortoise SVN." Because this is a 3-hour session at the conference, we'll begin at 6:30 PM.

We will be providing a pizza dinner at this meeting; we'll eat while Toni talks. The doors will open at 6:15; we'll try to have the pizza ready then. If you plan to attend and eat, please send an email to, so we get enough.

Abstract: Version control is a must for any application development platform yet many development shops still do not use a version control system. There are all sorts of excuses such as time, money or lack of team support. Once you adopt a version control system, your team will wonder how you ever lived without one. In this session, we take an in-depth, action packed look at using Subversion and Tortoise as a version control repository for FoxPro applications. Most FoxPro developers are cost conscious so how much better can you get than a FREE version control system. Subversion and Tortoise are both free tools that despite the price, work great.

Bio: Toni Feltman, a Microsoft Certified Professional, is an experienced software developer, project manager, instructor and speaker. She is Vice President and a Partner at F1 Technologies and is still an integral part of the company. During her 16 years at F1 Technologies she has served as both a developer and project manager on numerous projects and as Product Manager for the highly successful FoxExpress product line.

Toni is a well known contributor to the Visual FoxPro development community. She has spoken at most major FoxPro conferences in North America and Europe. Although Toni has expertise in a number of areas, she generally focuses her presentations on Team Development, XML, n-Tier Development and new features in Visual FoxPro.

Toni has penned several articles for Advisor Guide to Microsoft Visual FoxPro and is co-author of Making Sense of Sedna and SP2 and What's New in Visual FoxPro 9.0 (Hentzenwerke Publishing). Toni also designed and developed Project HookX, a VFPX utility designed to allow developers to manage and use multiple project hooks on a single Visual FoxPro Project. Toni is one of several co-authors of DBCX, a public domain data dictionary tool used or supported by many notable Visual FoxPro products including the Stonefield Data Dictionary, Visual FoxExpress, FoxFire! and Stonefield Query.

Toni taught for several years at the University of Toledo on a wide variety of technologies including Microsoft Office applications, XML, various Internet development technologies and database design and programming. Toni also enjoyed a stint as an instructor for AppDev.

Toni's introduction to the FoxPro community came while she worked in the technical support department at Fox Software. Toni was a senior level support technician and Sysop of the Fox Software Forum on CompuServe.

Toni graduated from Bowling Green State University in 1989 with a BA in Management Information Systems.

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